Water tower
Building a water tower is easy with Platform Hardware LLC.
The hardware connects the columns to the beams and the foundation using bolts and foundation anchors.
For example, a nine-foot round tank five feet high weighs about 21,000 pounds when filled with water.
Using Platform Hardware LLC, the connections are simple to understand.
A raised water tank can be used for many things. Maybe it's a water storage tank for livestock, gardens, a source of water in case of fire, or better yet, a raised tank for a pool and cooling off with friends.
Having a raised tank also has its perks: less security fencing, less concrete work, and landscaping on grade-level pools.
Platform Hardware LLC provides load and lateral bracing connection calculations. The Wood columns and cross-bracing loads are subject to the quality of the timbers used.
Price: $250 Per Plan
Plans 554-20 and #554-18
This 20ft x 20ft and 18ft x 18ft plan was inspired by the US Forest Service watch towers in our federal parks. Although the watch towers were smaller in size, they were used to spot any fires on park lands. These towers were placed at high vantage points and were staffed by personnel to keep watch.
By making them a little bigger in size, they offer a great get-away place for a single person or a couple to escape for a while.
They can be built almost anywhere. Overlooking an orchard and wooded forest, on the side of a hill, stream, lake, or even an ocean view.
Using platform hardware makes the connection of wood columns, beams, and Foundations are easy to use with basic hand tools.
The property being built on doesn't need a lot of land balancing. Less heavy equipment and concrete trucks. A lightweight crane and some carpenter skills are That is really all you need.
Sometimes, there are long lead times for contractors, piling contractors, and excavators.
Price: $250 Per Plan

Basic Platform
Price: $250 Per Plan